Daddy, Alan, & Katie

Daddy, Alan, & Katie
Camping in the Family Room

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Need to get use to blogging more.  I wanted to do this as a daily journal for myself and any followers but it seems it has become another thing I forget about. 

Went to a support group meeting on Tuesday and it is so nice to talk to a group of ladies who understand where you have been and there to provide support for the future.  Sometimes I listen to new mom's and it takes me back to the days of when Alan was first diagnosed.  It is amazing to see how far he has come since being diagnosed.  I can still remember the sleepless nights and the fighting to get him to eat something.  The worries of when will he ever talk to me or will he ever talk.  My happiest moment is when Alan said "Mommy, I love you".  It's the littlest thing a child can do but to me it was the biggest thing Alan did.  My daughter says it all the time and I take it for granted now.  I am stepping back and remembering all the times with Alan and just questioning how we did it as a family.  He still has his good and bad days but we all do.  Everyday I see areas we can improve on and tweak to better his life.  I forget to step back and just enjoy what we have now.  I guess I am still on the train and I want it to keep moving 100mph until we reach our final destination.  I do not want to stop and enjoy the scenery.  Regression is my biggest worry.  We just added dairy back into his diet after 4 years of being off of it and he is doing great.  I only give him a little because that regression monster is still lurking in my mind. 

Other than those worries he is doing great and moving along nicely.  Now, we still have the battles to eat but not like it was 2 years ago.  He never stops talking which I love but then at times wish he would really like to play the "Quiet Game".  I observed Alan the other day in his class.  I went all day and watched and learned about his day.  He knew I was there but I did not bother him.  I worked with the other students and learned about his friends.  It was so great to see how well he worked with his group.  He talked, laughed, and enjoyed his day.  He still has areas where he can get a little overwhelmed but other than that he had a great day.  His teacher told me she assessed his reading and he is at an 8-10 level on the DRA.  It's great to see that he has a passion for reading.  He is also really good in math.  When it comes to handwriting, drawing, and coloring he still falls behind but we are working on that.  If he is anything like his mommy the art gene is just not there. 

Yesterday, in his class was awards day and he received the sportsmanship award.  Its an award where a student makes sure his classmates are happy and has all his or her materials that is needed.  The teacher said he is a great helper to his classmates and wants everyone to be happy in the class.  She also stated that when a student is absent he gets worried and wants to know if they are okay.  I was surprised at how much he was concerned about his classmates and excited that he has bonded with his classmates.  For a child that was supposedly never to talk or socialize he sure is doing a great job of it. 

I am going to have to blog more because I like having a daily journal for others to read.  I want to give hope to other parents and show you that your child can improve and function on his or her own.  It takes a lot of time and energy but as parents there is nothing more we would rather do than help our child succeed.  My last advice in this entry is to just enjoy each day.  Record it, take pictures, write about it, video it.  That is my biggest regret is not videoing more.  I wish I would have videoed everything good or bad to help me remember and show others that it does get better.

Take Care,


Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

After returning from the fair, we got ready for trick or treating.  This was the kids very first trick or treating for Halloween.  We always let them dress up but we actually went out in the neighborhood and did some trick or treating.  Alan dressed as Buzz Lightyear and Katie dressed as Snow White.  We went with our neighbors and the kids really enjoyed it.  They were so excited.  When we got home I let the kids give out candy for about 20 minutes before we called it quits.  Great night.

Carolina Coastal Fair

We decided to bring the kids to the fair on October 31st.  The kids were super excited when we pulled in and they saw the Ferris Wheel.  Alan starting talking about everything he saw.  As we entered the fairgrounds the kids were excited to see everything.  Our first ride was the Ferris Wheel.  The kids really enjoyed this especially when we stopped at the top and they could look down.  Next, we played some games.  Alan played hit the balloons with a dart and won a dog.  He did really well. Daddy tried to win a prize for Katie but the game was really hard so we moved on the balloon popping station again.  Mommy won her a orange puppy.  We then went on a search for the animals and found the kiddie park.  Alan was able to ride a dragon coaster.  Katie was too short so we went wait in line at the Bumble Bee ride.  I rode with both kids and they enjoyed it.  We walked on and found an elephant and camel.  We then rode a train and ended our day with this ride.  The fair was so much fun and I am glad the kids enjoyed their first fair.