Daddy, Alan, & Katie

Daddy, Alan, & Katie
Camping in the Family Room

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

After returning from the fair, we got ready for trick or treating.  This was the kids very first trick or treating for Halloween.  We always let them dress up but we actually went out in the neighborhood and did some trick or treating.  Alan dressed as Buzz Lightyear and Katie dressed as Snow White.  We went with our neighbors and the kids really enjoyed it.  They were so excited.  When we got home I let the kids give out candy for about 20 minutes before we called it quits.  Great night.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I absolutely love the picture of the kids sitting down in the front of the house and eating their candies. They looked very tired from a very busy day (Fair in the afternoon and Trick or Treating after dark).
